Supported Living

Our service offers independent living with access to a range of benefits often unavailable to people in care. Our flexible support is regularly evaluated and adjusted to suit every stage of recovery. Through partnerships we provide solutions to a variety of day to day challenges met by individuals, organisations and companies. Our primary role and main area of expertise is to provide supported accommodation with the added benefit of floating care packages that allow individuals to be treated or supported in a dwelling that they hold the tenancy too. Our supported living  programme helps people all over the country from all walks of life to live more independent and happy lives. We actively encourage the discovery of new skills and interests, supporting individuals in the community in homes they may already rent or own. 

  • Personal care and Support to complete activities of daily living.
  • Supporting you find a job of your choice and ability
  • Support service user to maintain links with friends and family .
  • Community outreach services.
  • Support to access education, voluntary and paid employment opportunities.
  • Support to access benefits including direct payments and personal budgets.
  • To improve quality of life irrespective of illness or disability.
  • Support to access to healthcare and treatments.